Two Lioness Sisters arrive at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm

10th Jun 2013

We are pleased to announce the arrival of two lioness sisters called Arusha and Vilma at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in Bristol. Arusha is the eldest at 3 years and Vilma is her smaller sister of 2 years.  They arrived from Heythrop Zoological Gardens in Chipping Norton, Oxon and are here to pair with the already hugely popular brothers Zulu and Masai.


They were released into their new enclosure in the ‘Big Cat Sanctuary’ on Thursday and could be seen basking in the glorious sun that we have been enjoying here recently at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. We plan to set up a breeding programme for our new lionesses in the future, keeping one female and male pair and allowing the second pair to move on to another zoo. We are keeping them separate from the male lions for now so that they can get comfortable in their lovely new surroundings but eventually they will be paired together with the lions in their fields.


Big Cat Keeper Emma Godsell is delighted to welcome the two new girls, “I’m pleased to see how well they’re settling in. Our two boys Zulu and Masai are very intrigued by the scent of new cats at the Big Cat Sanctuary!” We have even more exciting events coming up this Summer including the opening of ‘Elephant Eden’, the largest elephant habitat in Northern Europe. We are currently running a series of short guided tours of the new exhibit to allow people to ask questions before the elephants arrive.

For more information about the new lioness sisters or ‘Elephant Eden’ please visit or phone 01275 852606.

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