Pumpkin Playtime

Pumpkin Gibbons 2012

The rambunctious residents of Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm will have plenty to keep them occupied this Halloween with themed treats in the form of giant pumpkins. All our animals, from the endangered Siamang gibbons to magnificent lions and tigers, will get the chance to enjoy some pumpkin fun at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm in time for the school Half Term. To coincide with the school holiday there are a number of extra indoor and outdoor activities for families to look forward to. With special offers that can be enjoyed in all weathers, it means there are plenty of reasons to be cheerful despite another wet autumn. Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is an ideal place for children to enjoy a rewarding day out in Bristolas we are recognised by the prestigious Learning outside the Classroom scheme. To that effect we have fun educational zoo trails and a jam-packed program of daily events on offer from Wednesday October 24 until Saturday November 3.

The Halloween highlight of that will be carved pumpkin enrichment demonstration for visitors. Primate keepers are introducing the pumpkins to the ‘Gibbon Gallery’ on Wednesday October 31, giving visitors a chance to learn about Siamang Gibbons. They will see how clever our cheeky gibbon family are as they explore a hanging pumpkin filled with treats and learn to extract their food.

Join us to learn about the Gibbons during pumpkin playtime

On the same day, Big Cat keepers at the zoo will demonstrate pumpkin enrichment on a bigger scale for Tiana & Khan the tigers and Zulu & Masai the lions during the daily Big Cat Feeding Talk.

Pumpkin Big Cats

The Big Cats also enjoy getting their teeth into pumpkins

Our biggest residents, white rhinos Rumbull and Rumba will also be given their own pumpkin playthings to roll around in their enclosure.

Visitors will also meet our newest additions George the Giraffe and Zag the Zebra, both of whom have grown in size and confidence over the summer, becoming increasingly inquisitive. You can get hands on and hand feed George and mum Genny during the daily Giraffe Talk at 12:15pm by the Giraffe House.

And on Monday October 22 from 10.30am Mums and toddlers can enjoy the ‘Jungle Tots’ session, which is a coffee and play morning run by zoo staff during term-time. It is a chance to get together, make and decorate small edible treats shaped like pumpkins and enjoy social playtime in the heated Jungle Den soft play barn.

On Monday October 29 and Wednesday October 31 children can follow a story trail around the zoo, taking part in art and crafts to make their own story characters. There will also be a colouring area where they can compete in a colouring competition.

From Wednesday October 24 until Saturday November 3 why not make use of our exclusive discount voucher offer? Visitors get 20% off their day tickets if they download the voucher from our website and show upon entry. Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is open Monday–Saturday, 10.30am–5pm and can be found just outside Bristol, minutes from the M5 motorway. The zoo is closed on Sundays.

For more information about Half Term activities, George the baby Giraffe and Jungle Tots, visit our zoo website or phone 01275 852 606.

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