New Year New Coffee

3rd Mar 2020

One of our New Year's resolutions has been to think more carefully about where we source products for our cafe from! So our first step in this has been to find some new coffee. 

Our catering team have been thrilled to welcome a new  coffee from Clifton Coffee Roasters. The single origin blend 'Suspension Espresso' is produced by the Daterra Estate in Brazil. Daterra was the first farm in the world to  achieve the world’s highest Sustainability recognition! The “Level A” certification from Rainforest Alliance.

The coffee itself is a delicious blend with Dark Chocolate, Treacle and Hazelnut notes (don't worry though our coffee doesn't contain nuts!

According to Clifton Coffee Roasters, "Daterra was born out of the vision of one man to create excellence. Excellence in environmental and economic sustainability and above all else, excellence in quality."

The farm is a 6800- hectare estate and is the most sustainable farm in Brazil. Not only are they the most sustainable they are also the oldest coffee plantations in Brazilian Cerrado region, and it is amongst the best coffee producing areas in the country. 

Not only has the coffee got a Level A certification from the Rainforest Alliance but it is also UTZ certified. 

All UTZ certified coffee, tea, cocoa and hazelnuts are produced according to the UTZ standard, which is lead by the principles of fairness and transparency. This helps them to make the biggest difference possible in support of people, planet and profit. The UTZ use the following code of contact:

  • Developed in close consultation with a broad range of stakeholders, including a wide-ranging public consultation.
  • Guided by our Board, which is made up of a mix of people from all levels of the supply chain.
  • Based on International Labour Organization conventions, which means they represent an internationally recognized set of guidelines, reflecting the latest agreements, research and expertise in sustainable farming.
  • UTZ is also a full member of the ISEAL Alliance, the global sustainability standards association. Through ISEAL, we develop and revise our Codes in cooperation with other standard-setting organizations. We also comply with the ISEAL Code of Good Practice.

We are offering all visitors 20p off each cup of coffee when they bring their own reusable cup. Why not bring your reusable cup and try our new blend today? 

Maze Drone 1

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