Costumed Zooperheroes spotted at Bristol animal park

12th Oct 2016

Hard-working zoo keepers celebrated with fun photoshoot at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm


Surprised visitors to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm had their heads turned by an usual sight; superhero-costumed figures going about their daily animal-keeping chores for elephants, rhinos and big cats. In a light-hearted event, the hard work of our ‘zooperheroes’ was recognised in an amusing photoshoot with caped crusaders posing around the 100 acre estate captured on camera. With a dedicated team of 22 keepers working with a range of animals from emus to elephants, we've grown considerably in recent years and the daily management of the zoo requires an experienced and committed team to ensure it runs smoothly and meets the needs of both the animals and visitors. Working long hours, weekends and public holidays outside in all weather, the life of our animal keepers is often glamorised with the public only seeing the fun parts of the job. Emma Lamport, Marketing Manager at Noah’s Ark oversaw the light-hearted event. “It’s great to recognise the hard work and tireless enthusiasm of our keeper team. They brave the elements, work long days and are 100% committed to their animals. They are real-life superheroes!” Noah’s Ark has a long-standing training program taking on volunteers and giving practical husbandry experience, offering full time internship and employment opportunities to those showing potential. Some of the zoos current keepers began their career this way, working their way up to senior positions on the keeping team.


The 100 acre animal park is not just committed to sustainable staffing, it holds the Gold award in the national Green Tourism Business Scheme for its green innovation and carbon-reducing activities. One of only 4 UK zoos with the kite-mark, Noah’s Ark also won the national ‘Innovation Award’ from the National Farm Attractions Network earlier this year in recognition of its novel energy-saving projects including the new bear habitat, Andean Adventure.

Andean Bear 2016A (1)

The zoo is open Monday to Saturday from 10:30am – 5pm. For more information visit

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