Coronavirus update

1st May 2020

Coronavirus Update.

Many of you have asked how you can donate to help us feed our animals, this is greatly appreciated and we can't thank everyone who is supporting us during this time enough.

To help us to care for all our animals at the zoo click on the link - to donate as much or as little as you want.

Thank you, we can’t wait to reopen and see you all when restrictions have been lifted. Stay safe!

23rd March 2020

We have taken the difficult decision to remain closed to all visitors, from 5pm on Saturday 21st March 2020, until further notice.

We know our amazing members and visitors have appreciated having outdoor spaces to visit over recent days and we have done our best to stay open as somewhere for you to get fresh air, which the Government are advising all of us to do. However, we need to continue to ensure everyone is safe and healthy and so we feel this is the best decision at these times. 

If you have tickets booked for today or in the coming weeks, we will rearrange the dates for a day in the future. Please call us on 01275 852 606 if you have any questions.   

Please be assured, that even though we are closed, our Keepers will continue to give the best care for all our animals.

We will, of course, keep you up to date with our latest news online and via email and social media. If you haven't signed up to our marketing emails, you can do so here, so we can keep you updated. And don't forget to follow us on Facebook or Instagram. 

We will keep the situation under review and will post any future statements on this page. For any other questions, please read our FAQs or the Government's website.

22nd March 2020

We are closed to the public today and we are currently monitoring Government Guidelines in regards to opening the zoo, in the coming weeks.

Our main priority is the health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff, volunteers and animals.  As an outdoor attraction, we are a low-risk site and have made amendments to our services on offer to reflect government guidelines.  We want to ensure we remain safe and in line with guidelines.

Please keep an eye on our website and social media for our immediate future plans. 

Your support and patience in these unknown times are much appreciated.

20th March 2020

We are currently open and will remain open on Saturday 21st March. Our top priority is the health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff, volunteers and animals.  As an outdoor attraction, we are a low-risk site and have made amendments to our services on offer to reflect government guidelines.  These include:

  • Changes to our daily timetable as outlined below
  • Mother’s Day is going ahead, with the Free Bacon Baps for all Mums being available from a collection point outside the café and unfortunately, the Giraffe Feeding has been cancelled, due to the crowds, it attracts.
  • Animal shows, the Meerkat talk and the indoor Bird of Prey flying display will be cancelled due to the large crowds that they attract.
  • Our Indoor Play Areas and Ark Arena will be closed.
  • Our Cafe is takeaway only and we will be opening the Bear Kiosk (the Elephant Kiosk is also available if we get busy)
  • We have reduced our prices to reflect the changes we have made and limited the number of tickets available for bookings to ensure we don't have too many people on site. Please use the code 'BESAFE' to receive your discount - Book your tickets online.
  • For any other questions, please read our FAQs. 

We have revised our timetable to keep as much going as possible and keep everything outside in the open space.

Please continue to help us by being mindful of social distancing and regularly washing your hands.

19th March 2020.

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is open for visitors to come and enjoy some fresh air and see some amazing animals, and our top priority remains to be the health and wellbeing of our visitors, staff, volunteers, and animals.

With the guidelines in mind, we are making some changes to our day to day running and things are subject to change each day as we get more updates from the Government.

Please help us by regularly washing your hands at the various facilities and being mindful of social distancing.

From Wednesday the 18th March 2020, our Café will be takeaway only and Jungle Tots will not take place until further notice.

Mother’s Day on Saturday 21st March is going ahead, with the Free Bacon Baps for all Mums being available from a collection point outside the café and unfortunately, the Giraffe Feeding has been cancelled, due to the crowds, it attracts.

The Bristol and North Somerset Egg Hunt is cancelled. Keep your eyes peeled for an even bigger hunt coming to the local area in 2021.

All our Keeper Experiences and Encounters are postponed from Saturday 21st March, and we will be in touch with everyone who has booked tickets to rearrange dates.

From Saturday the 21st March 2020, Daily Programme will be:

11.30am Giraffe Keeper Talk - outside

12.30pm Outdoor Birds of Prey Display

1pm Elephant Keeper Talk – outside

1.30pm Big Cat Keeper Talk - outside

3.00pm Outdoor Birds of Prey Display

Animal shows, the Meerkat talk and the indoor Bird of Prey flying display will be cancelled due to the large crowds that they attract and our Indoor Play Areas will be closed from Saturday the 21st March. 

Here at Noah’s Ark, we are trying to keep as many open spaces available as possible, whilst considering safety guidelines. Your support and patience in these unknown times are much appreciated.

Coronavirus update - 17th March 2020

We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff, volunteers, visitors and animals. Whilst we are open for visitors to come and enjoy some fresh air and see some amazing animals, we are making some changes to our upcoming events, daily keeper talks at the zoo as well as our onsite cafe. These measures are to follow government guidelines ensuring that we keep everyone safe and we are able to ensure the highest hygiene standards. We would like to thank all of our visitors for their continued support and understanding at this challenging time. 

For any booking changes or questions, please email, where our friendly team will be happy to help you. For urgent enquiries, please call us on 01275 852 606. 

When visiting the zoo, we ask you to follow our five simple rules. 

1. Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds

2. Avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily, especially putting your face up to the glass.

3. Avoid crowds, the animals will be about throughout your visit. 

4. Be patient, our team are working hard to ensure everyone is safe. 

5. Have fun and enjoy the open air. 

13th March 2020 - As a family attraction, we already actively encourage regular hand washing which is the key deterrent for contracting the Coronavirus. 

We are open as normal and encourage all visitors to follow the personal hygiene government advice to protect ourself and others:

  • Always carry tissues with you
  • Use tissues to catch your cough or sneeze
  • Bin the tissue, and to kill the germs, wash your hands with soap and water


This is the best way to slow the spread of almost any germs, including Coronavirus.

We've even come up with a catchy tune to make sure you hit the necessary length of time for washing your hands.

Within our farm, we have issued employee guidelines and increased the frequency of washing objects that get frequent hand contact, however, we shall continue to monitor the advice from Public Health England and our local health authority.


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