Come and Enjoy the Variety of Nature at Noah’s Ark this Summer!

31st Jul 2015

We all know that variety is the spice of life, and it’s something Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm has in abundance. With over 100 different species in 110 acres of space, a trip to Noah’s Ark is the perfect way to introduce your children to the diversity of animal life this summer holiday. They will learn all about each species as they make their way around the grounds, and they are sure to be amazed by our animals, both big and small.

Noah’s Ark is home to what we call the Big Zoo Animals. Come and say hello to our elephants, rhinos, giraffes and ‘big cats’ – and there are bound to be plenty of photo opportunities along the way. Get up-close to our tall giraffe friends and then head over to see the big, strong white rhinos. Coming from South Africa, where the climate is mild all year round, they are enjoying the warmer temperatures of the summer months. A trip to Noah’s Ark will give your family a chance to learn about the work zoos do for endangered species including breeding programs.

We are privileged to be able to offer a spacious, rich environment to some of the world’s most endangered species. African elephants, gibbons and white-headed vultures are all part of European Endangered Species Programmes (EEPs) which links the work of member zoos around the world. Our white rhinos, lemurs, tigers and Brazilian tapirs have all been classified as ‘endangered’, with Noah’s Ark providing a valuable home. Our African lions, Zulu and Masai, and their lioness companions Arusha and Wilma have certainly made Noah’s Ark their home, as have our Bengal tigers, Tiana and Khan. And just wait ‘til you see Elephant Eden, Northern Europe’s largest elephant habitat! Spanning over an impressive 20 acres, it has been described as a “five star luxury destination for elephants” – and it’s easy to see why! We are always over the moon to announce new births at the zoo, and we’ve been having something of a ‘summer boom’ recently.

We now have three new South American Rhea chicks and two capybara babies to add to our growing variety of animals. Come and say ‘hello’ to them and you will learn some interesting facts along the way; for example, did you know that South american Rheas are actually flightless birds, famously studied by Darwin during his early travels in South America aboard his ship the ‘Beagle’? And were you aware that Capybaras are the world’s largest rodents (think oversized Guinea Pig!)? For those eager to learn more, our daily educational keeper talks are a fun way to widen your knowledge regarding our amazing animals. Our experts will tell you all about reptiles, big cats, elephants, giraffes and more, so make sure you take a look at our event timetable and head to the location in time for the talk.

We look forward to welcoming you to Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm and hope you go home at the end of your visit with some newfound knowledge about our huge variety of animals – as well as plenty of happy, fun-filled memories.

Maze Drone 1

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