Christmas cheer at Noah's Ark!

20th Dec 2016

When you have a herd of reindeer wandering around, it feels a little like every day is Christmas Day. So how do we get into the Christmas spirit each year? Well, we pop on a Christmas hat and sing carols, of course. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, after all.

What else have we been up to? Our Reindeer Dash on 3rd December was a great success and the perfect way for us to start feeling festive. ‘What’s a Reindeer Dash’, you ask? Well, kids and grown-ups alike ran, walked and pranced along our one mile zoo track sporting the height of Christmas attire: antlers. Those that took part could even see how they’d look with real antlers in our designated selfie spot. The first nine reindeer-dashers to cross the finish line nabbed themselves a medal, while the reindeer-in-training that trotted their way into first place won their very own reindeer adoption pack. Stand-in reindeer even got to head to the fields and meet our own real herd of reindeer – Caspar, and the rest of the herd. Although it’s a little chilly at this time of year, reindeer are built for the cold. With their outer layer of cosy fur and large feet for ambling through snow, they love nothing more than being outdoors. Once all the reindeer were fed and watered, we all sat down for some crafting. Crafters made their own clay reindeer and willow stars to take home while members of the Nailsea Singing Project sang their hearts out in the courtyard, helping to bring an extra pinch of season’s greetings to the day.

What’s coming up? Join us for a family day of festive fun at our Rock Nativity on 17th December. The Rock Project, a group of 7 to 18-year-old aspiring musicians, and Nailsea-based performance art group, The School, are joining forces for an off-the-beaten track take on the classic nativity. The show will feature some classic rock hits and is our first-ever rock concert here at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm. There are three showings through the day: 12pm, 1.30pm and 3pm. Why not buy your tickets online so you don’t miss out? And once you’re there, you get to meet the animals, too – from Santa’s favourite reindeer to nativity-themed animals, such as a donkeys and camels. Looking for a last-minute Christmas present? Haven’t finished your Christmas shopping yet? An Adoption Gift Box could be the perfect gift for your friends or family. As well as a pretty presentation box, you also get a factsheet, a soft toy and even a free zoo day ticket to go and visit your adopted animal. Along with a presentation certificate and your name displayed at the animal exhibit – what better gift could there be? From a Bengal Tiger to a Nile Crocodile, there’s an animal for everyone – just make sure to order before 20th December if you want the box in time to wrap and put under the tree.

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