Buta the African elephant

13th May 2015

Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm is saddened to announce that Buta, the 30-year-old African elephant died suddenly on Monday. Buta collapsed in her habitat at 5.00PM on Monday 11th May.

Our team of elephant keepers were by her side immediately to provide assistance but Buta was unresponsive and passed away soon after. A full post mortem is underway and the results will be analysed to understand cause of death. Buta was temporarily rehomed to Noah’s Ark from Knowsley Safari in 2014.

At this sad time our thoughts are with Buta's keepers and those that knew and loved her. We're thankful to say that our other elephants Janu and M'Changa are doing well, under the expert supervision and care of our team. Noah's Ark Zoo Farm

Maze Drone 1

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