Baby Tapir Is An Online Sensation

1st Feb 2013

The birth of humbug-striped baby tapir at Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm has created international excitement with messages of congratulation coming from across the globe. Tallulah is a gorgeous baby girl Lowland tapir who was born live on the zoo’s 24 hour webcam on December 28. It was like a late Christmas present for our hard working zoo keepers and it prompted a stream of online well wishers, many of whom were lucky enough to see the birth for themselves. News quickly spread further via social media with fans of the zoo taking to Facebook and Twitter to request photos of the cute baby.

One family even rang all the way from Canada to book one of our zoo keeper experiences – which is a chance for our guests to meet and feed tapirs and other animals for themselves. The press were also incredibly keen to see the baby and a photo call that took place today, Friday February  1. Tapirs are classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. Every effort is being made to conserve the species and Tallulah was born after a 400-day gestation as the result of successful captive breeding. Tallulah is the second foal born to mum Tara and dad Toby, with brother Troy now living at Heads of Ayr Farm Park in Scotland.

Keeper Kelli Inglis works with the family of tapirs in the zoo’s South American section. She said: “We’re all thrilled to have little Tallulah join the family - she’s doing very well and seems to be enjoying her new surroundings. “We get lots of comments from webcam viewers and many tapir fans go online to book a Keeper Experience to meet them face-to-face which is great fun.” “The camera is also useful for the Keepers as it’s helped us gain a better understanding of the breeding habits of an animal that is becoming increasingly rare in the wild.” Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm reopens for visitors this Saturday, February 2, the first day of the new season, from 10:30am – 5pm. The zoo won a regional ‘Access for All’ award this week in the Bristol Tourism & Hospitality awards in recognition of its facilities and customer service. We are set for a busy year with the opening of a much-anticipated 20 acre elephant exhibit later this summer called Elephant Eden.

To see the tapir family visitors can log on to the Tapir webcam. Details of prices, events and attractions at Noah’s Ark can also be found on the zoo website or by calling the office.

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