Mexican Beaded Lizard
Scientific name: Heloderma horridum
The Beaded lizard is dark brown or black in colour and has bright yellow spots. They are so-called due to the bumpy texture of their skin. Each of the bumps (or beads) on their skin contains a tiny piece of bone, meaning that these lizards are incredibly hardy.
Beaded lizards can deliver their venom to their prey through their sharp, grooved teeth. This venom will kill small animals and can be harmful, though not deadly, to humans.
In the wild, beaded lizards have a solitary nature and spend much of their time hidden underground in burrows.

Here at Noah's Ark...
Our beaded lizards are called Nacho and Burrito.
We live...
In the Reptile House, next to the meerkat enclosure.
Size Fact
Male Beaded lizards can grow up to 90cm in length.
Food Fact
In the wild, beaded lizards mostly eat mice and reptile eggs.
Fun Fact
Its Latin name ‘Heloderma horridum’ can be directly translated as ‘horrible studded skin’!
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